by Gretchen | Sep 27, 2017 | Academic Coaching, blog, Student Life
Do you struggle to take action on new habits and routines that you know would be good for you? Recently, a client of mine was having trouble jumpstarting “The Set Up Routine,” which is a process I recommend to students for setting up their study space...
by Gretchen | Jun 20, 2017 | blog, College Prep, For Parents, podcast, Student Life
Budgeting is a skill that many adults don’t have! However, it’s a super important skill to teach your students before they go off to college. On today’s episode, Megan and Gretchen discuss some tips for how to get started helping teens practice how...
by Gretchen | Jun 6, 2017 | Academic Coaching, blog, For Parents, podcast, Student Life
Although perfectionism can seem like a good thing, students with perfectionist tendencies can struggle with exhaustion, poor self-esteem, and unhealthy habits related to school/life balance. Guest expert Ann Marie Dobosz sheds insight into how perfectionist students...
by Gretchen | Apr 4, 2017 | Academic Coaching, blog, Student Life, Test Anxiety
Are you the kind of student who does OK at school? Parents and teachers sometimes nudge you, telling you that you’re not quite living up to your potential because your grades could be even higher than the B’s they are now? I have a client like that who was...
by Gretchen | Jan 31, 2017 | blog, College Prep, For Parents, podcast, Student Life
Teens and parents! What will you do this summer to have experiences that are both meaningful and impress colleges on your applications? Looking for free and low-cost solutions? Now is the time to start planning. We know it seems super early, but the truth is that many...