by Gretchen | Feb 6, 2018 | Procrastination
Do you sometimes shock yourself with the amount of time that you scroll mindlessly through your Facebook feed? For the longest time, I’ve been trying to control my own Facebook use. I’m a total addict, you see, and it doesn’t become me. I’ve...
by Gretchen | Dec 27, 2017 | Academic Coaching, blog, Procrastination, Student Life
Do you ever notice that you are more likely to be more productive at certain times of the day and less productive at other times? I was just blown away by the self-awareness of one of my clients. Sixteen-year-olds, and especially boys, aren’t always known for...
by Gretchen | Nov 29, 2017 | Academic Coaching, blog, Procrastination, Student Life
Do you ever have the strong, stubborn feeling that you just DON’T wanna do your homework? In a client session recently, a junior in high school reported in that she just couldn’t motivate herself to get her work done over the past weekend. When I...
by Gretchen | Nov 1, 2017 | Academic Coaching, blog, Procrastination, Student Life
Do you ever find that you run out of time to complete your assignments? I have a client in college who ended up having to rush to try and complete an assignment because he hadn’t planned it out. Calendars are super important for helping you to plan out your...
by Gretchen | Oct 17, 2017 | Academic Coaching, blog, Procrastination
Do you ever struggle to follow through on an assignment because it feels pointless? A client of mine was recently complaining about the pointlessness of his English class assignments, and you’d better believe this isn’t the first time a student has...
by Gretchen | Sep 11, 2017 | blog, Procrastination, Student Life, Study Skills
Planner! Planners! Planners! They are the bane of my existence with many of my clients. For students with extreme executive dysfunction, it can be difficult to find the right planning device for them. Year after year, we experiment with different devices and processes...