Do you ever find yourself too tired to finish your homework? Sometimes that’s because you simply have too much homework to do; but other times it’s because you didn’t do your homework in the right order! In today’s video, I tell the story of a...
Do you (or a student you love) lose a lot of your assignments? I have a couple of clients who consistently SWEAR they’ve turned in an assignment, only to have the teacher SWEAR they haven’t. These clients sometimes re-do a single handwritten assignment 2-3...
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Does stress sometimes take over and leave you lost and looking for answers? Gretchen shares advice with a friend who is dealing with this very issue. Listen in and find out how you can use Gretchen’s advice to help make your life...
Argh! Do you ever save time on your calendar for important tasks, but then allow other, less important tasks to creep in? I did that today, and it was beyond frustrating!! Recently, I’ve been learning more about a concept called “Deep Work,” and my...
Managing time is hard for anyone in this modern world, and teenagers struggle more because their brains are still developing. Gretchen shares one time management trick that she does with all her clients, and it really helps them see time in a new way. Tune in today as...
I’m excited to share with you a handy tool for college students. This was taught to me by a real live student (shout out to Harrison!). He is a sophomore in college and interned with me over the summer. I LOVE this tool that he makes for himself, and I wanted to...