by Gretchen | Nov 15, 2017 | Academic Coaching, blog, Creativity & Edges, Student Life
Do you struggle to get motivated to do your homework? You are not alone! I’ve had lots of videos on motivation in the past, but this one is different. As you may know, I like to collect data from all my clients in a process I call the Habits Graph. One client, in...
by Gretchen | Nov 13, 2017 | Academic Coaching, blog, College Prep, For Parents, podcast, Student Life
Have you ever taken, or considered taking, online courses as a high school students? Megan describes her daughter’s experience taking on online course through the Duke Talent Identification Program and delivers her final assessment about whether these programs...
by Gretchen | Nov 1, 2017 | Academic Coaching, blog, Procrastination, Student Life
Do you ever find that you run out of time to complete your assignments? I have a client in college who ended up having to rush to try and complete an assignment because he hadn’t planned it out. Calendars are super important for helping you to plan out your...
by Gretchen | Oct 17, 2017 | Academic Coaching, blog, Procrastination
Do you ever struggle to follow through on an assignment because it feels pointless? A client of mine was recently complaining about the pointlessness of his English class assignments, and you’d better believe this isn’t the first time a student has...
by Gretchen | Oct 10, 2017 | Academic Coaching, blog, Creativity & Edges
Do you have great intentions for following through on new habits, but then find yourself struggling to keep the momentum? This happens to me all the time in the transition between summer and the new school year. So this year, I got creative! Check out my new habit...