What to Do When Your Plan is Derailed

What to Do When Your Plan is Derailed

Learning to make effective plans is one of the skills I work a lot on with my students. It’s huge. But what happens when that great plan you made goes out the window? This happens a lot! In fact, it happens so often that another big skill you need is how to...
What to Do When Lists Feel Stressful

What to Do When Lists Feel Stressful

Do you hate making lists? I know some people love them because it helps them feel in control, and they get pleasure and satisfaction from being able to cross things off. But some people find it stressful because it feels overwhelming to see all the things that need to...
How to Get Real Down Time Over the Holidays

How to Get Real Down Time Over the Holidays

Happy holidays! Chances are, whether you’re a student or a teacher, you’re between semesters, and you have some downtime right about now. Yay! We could all use some of that! But have you made a conscious plan for how to use your downtime? I know it may...
Can a Pet Help You Be a Better Student?

Can a Pet Help You Be a Better Student?

Hiya, do you have a pet? You might have a cat or a dog already, or maybe you’ve been thinking about getting one but your parents are worried about the price or the work it might take to take care of them. Or you might be allergic… Recently, two of my clients got...