Happy holidays!

Chances are, whether you’re a student or a teacher, you’re between semesters, and you have some downtime right about now. Yay! We could all use some of that!

But have you made a conscious plan for how to use your downtime? I know it may sound a bit strange to think about planning how to “use” your vacation…you’re just supposed to unplug and forget everything, right?

Not necessarily! That might actually cause you MORE stress and allow you to enjoy your vacation less than if you take a few minutes to decide at the beginning how to make the most of this gift of time.

Check out this 4 minute and 19-second video to find out why that’s so, and I promise you’ll be able to make a quick plan that you can communicate to everyone in your household to have a fun, relaxing, and even productive vacation!

Watch this:

Do you think this might help you have the best holiday break ever?

If you try it, I’d love to hear about what you did and how it went! I learn a lot from your experiments and really enjoy hearing from you.

Comment let me know!

Wishing you the merriest, safest, and most relaxing of holidays!

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