by Gretchen | Dec 12, 2018 | Academic Coaching, blog, Student Life, Study Skills
It’s gift giving season! I’m actually TERRIBLE at giving gifts at specific times of the year — birthdays, holidays, etc — but I’m GREAT at giving them when the spirit moves me, and I see that one of my clients has a need. In today’s...
by Gretchen | Dec 11, 2018 | Academic Coaching, College Prep, Study Skills, Test Anxiety
It’s finals time for many students around the country and world! Are you freaking out? Self care during this stressful time is super important, and recently I ran across this awesome resource. It’s an infographic for how to take care of yourself during...
by Gretchen | Dec 4, 2018 | Academic Coaching, Student Life
Does school feel crappy a lot of the time? And do you sometimes feel hopeless that you’re going to spend the rest of your teenager years (or young adulthood) in the slog of school? One of my clients was feeling this way last school year during final exams, and I...
by Gretchen | Nov 27, 2018 | Academic Coaching, blog, For Parents
Do you try to be a supportive parent to your teen? But suspect that you still do a lot of micromanaging? Well, one of my clients’ parents emailed me the other day asking how to follow up on some advice I’d given her daughter. I LOVED that she asked me this...
by Gretchen | Nov 20, 2018 | Academic Coaching, blog, Student Life, Study Skills
Do you usually wait for the teacher to hand out a study guide before you start studying? Are you a frustrated parent who’d really LIKE your student to be studying regularly but they keep on saying, “The teacher hasn’t handed out a study guide...
by Gretchen | Nov 15, 2018 | Academic Coaching, Anti-Boring Approach, College Prep, podcast
Too many students have poor grammar, and it weakens their writing. This has become increasingly obvious to Megan as she works with students on writing their college admissions essays. If you are looking for skills to build or strengthen with students grades 6-12,...