Gretchen Wegner, The Art of Inspiring Students to Study Strategically, Final Exam Anti-Cram Master Class, Anti-Cram Plan for Final Exams, Teachers, Educators, Academic Coaches, You’ve heard it’s bad for your brain to cram for finals, but what should you do instead to get ready for semester exams?

Make an Anti-Cram! plan, of course!

During this episode of the podcast (which is a reprise of Gretchen’s recent Master Class for educators), Gretchen walks you through the steps to get ready to rock your finals, including:

  • Mistakes teachers & students make when preparing for exams
  • Why the Study Cycle is so important, and how to teach it to students
  • What the Study Senses are, and how to incorporate them into your study plan
  • A simple formula for how to learn, so students can identify and fix their weakest link, and
  • How to create a final exam study plan that (hopefully) kicks cramming to the curb.

If you’d like to follow along with Gretchen’s slides to her Master Class, here they are. Also, we ended up recording the Master Class as a Facebook live, so if you want to watch the original, check it out here.

Finally, here is more information about Gretchen’s upcoming class for educators, The Art of Inspiring Students to Study Strategically.

Click here to tune in as Gretchen gives you the rundown on how to prepare for your final exams!