by Gretchen | Nov 12, 2019 | blog
Do you forget to check your grades online?! I’ve noticed that there’s a certain kind of forgetful student who probably should check their grades on a daily (or every-other-day) basis, but can’t seem to remember. In this video, I share a story about...
by Gretchen | Sep 16, 2019 | blog, note-taking, Student Life
How’s your note-taking? Do you love it? hate it? Last spring I was working with a client who broke his wrist and couldn’t take notes for several weeks. I was right in the middle of teaching him a skill called “Honing Notes”, which requires...
by Gretchen | Sep 2, 2019 | blog, Procrastination
What’s the biggest lie students end up telling themselves? “I’ll do it later!” So many of my clients tell themselves that lie so that they can feel better in the moment about not doing their work. But how many truly do end up doing their work...
by Gretchen | Aug 27, 2019 | blog, College Prep, Student Life
It’s the beginning of the semester! And books are expensive, especially the textbooks you need for college. What do you do when class has started, but you don’t have your books yet? Last spring one of my clients was in this situation. It was 4 weeks into...
by Gretchen | Aug 13, 2019 | blog, Organization, Student Life
Do you like your desk and your work space? Or do you feel dread and discomfort about sitting down at your desk and getting to work? I’m feeling so much more productive since I figured out 3 hacks to creating a productive work space this summer. In this video, I...