by Gretchen | Jan 28, 2019 | Academic Coaching, Anti-Boring Approach, blog, Student Life
?Last week I did a video about the two biggest mistakes I made last year. Apparently, y’all love hearing about my mistakes because I got a LOT of emails in response. I’ve been thinking about mistakes a lot over the last few weeks because I’m...
by Gretchen | Jan 22, 2019 | Academic Coaching, Anti-Boring Approach, blog
The New Year — a time when we often think about successes and achievements. Instead, I’ve been thinking about failure. Mine in particular. Last year (like every year) I made a bunch of mistakes! It’s tempting to gloss over all the ways I effed up in 2018 by...
by Gretchen | Jan 15, 2019 | Academic Coaching, blog
Do you sometimes feel that you NEVER get a break? That you’re far too busy to give yourself some time off, even an afternoon off? I find that many students feel this way. We are breeding more generations as addicted to busy-ness as we are! I have...
by Gretchen | Jan 8, 2019 | Academic Coaching, blog, Organization
Some people — and most teens — think they really love online To Do lists. Other folks — mostly adults — love purchasing the latest, hippest paper planner to try and track their To Do’s that way. Recently I had a client, a 16-year-old...
by Gretchen | Dec 31, 2018 | Academic Coaching, blog, Student Life
Do you struggle to connect with your teachers? Does it feel like they are scary strangers to you, rather than friends, mentors and cheerleaders? In today’s video I tell you about a conversation I had recently with a client who is a junior in high school. Every...
by Gretchen | Dec 12, 2018 | Academic Coaching, blog, Student Life
We’re smack dab in the middle of our winter holidays right now! I know you want to simply relax, and I want you to, too. I ALSO want to encourage you to consider doing one or more of these small tasks. This is a great time to organize your life, so that you can...