Tips To Plan Better

Tips To Plan Better

Effective planning is such a buggaboo — especially for teens whose brains won’t be mastering the art of the executive function until (eep!) age 25 or so. And especially during our distance learning situation, when many students have MANY MORE...
Get Re-Energized With This Short Break

Get Re-Energized With This Short Break

Last week during my webinar “Zoomed Out?!”, I heard y’all loud and clear — we want more short, energizing, physical breaks that we can lead with our students, or ourselves!! Today’s video is my answer to that! Just the other day I had a...

283: Is There a Perfect Planner for Students?

The perfect planner is so elusive! Gretchen shares some reflections about the criteria that EVERY planner system must meet in order to help students organize their lives… especially if they executive function issues. Specifically she and Megan discuss: Four problems...