by Gretchen | Aug 25, 2020 | Academic Coaching
Do you have “school trauma”?I don’t, but I do have “water trauma.” I almost drowned twice; So I’m skittish around water, the same way some students with terrible experiences at school are skittish in their academics! The problem is,...
by Gretchen | Aug 18, 2020 | Academic Coaching
Are you in a school situation this year that is less than ideal? So many of us are in that boat, thanks to COVID and distance and/or hybrid learning. This summer I learned an interesting lesson about how to turn a sucky situation around, and I thought it might apply...
by Gretchen | Aug 11, 2020 | Academic Coaching
Oof! I’m kinda embarrassed. Two years ago I posted this video about a new product that I was testing, called the ReVibe Anti-Procrastination WristWear. I never made a follow-up review video, though, someone in my YouTube comments pointed that out. So here you...
by Gretchen | Aug 11, 2020 | Academic Coaching, College Prep
There’s going to be lots of virtual learning this school year! Check out these ten tips for how to learn best when your teacher, textbook, and tools are all (or mostly) via a screen. How to set up your space prior to learningWhether to have your video on or offThe...
by Gretchen | Aug 10, 2020 | Academic Coaching, College Prep
Welcome to the weirdest school year ever! We thought it would be a good idea to check in with each other, share about our strange summers, and look ahead to plans for a very different kind of school year. Tune in to hear updates like: How is Megan organizing online...
by Gretchen | Aug 10, 2020 | Academic Coaching, College Prep
College is expensive! Megan provides some tips for how to start thinking about costs, and talking about it with our student and family members. She covers topics such as: How to talk to your student about the reality of college costsHow to think about loansHow to...