My Favorite Anti-Boring Study Technique

Today we’re “starting with the end in mind” and talking about final exams–specifically, my favorite technique for studying throughout the semester so you ROCK your final exams! This is a powerful technique that works for any subject and will...

A Confession and an Invitation

Don’t you love it when someone confesses they don’t know something? Does it help you feel freer to not know things, too?In this video, I confess that when I first started my coaching biz, there was a big term I knew little about. Watch today’s video...

Stop Doing Your Best in School!

Did you choose to read this post because of that crazy subject line?WHAT?! Did I really just say you should stop doing your best in school?Yes, I did…and I mean it, whether you’re a student or an educator.Check out this four-minute and two-second video for the full...