Do you believe some content is just plain “boring” to teach your students? That they should just buckle down and memorize content so they can move on? 

If so, you’re not alone! 

Some subjects naturally lend themselves to dry presentation slides and lecture-heavy sessions—I’m looking at you, History. 

BUT, what if I told you there’s a better way? In today’s video, you’ll learn five simple teaching strategies that promote active learning that will make your lessons and coaching more enjoyable for everyone. Sound good? Join me here!

So, what do you think? Is there a strategy or two in there that could make YOUR teaching more interactive, more effective, aaaaand anti-boring? If you had any aha’s, I’d love to hear them! Drop a comment below and let me know!

Want to chat about simple tweaks you can make to transform teaching and learning in your classroom? Join me for my next FREE live session where I’m available to answer your questions and brainstorm. Sign up here to get the Zoom link

Ready to learn my simple but effective study cycle that you can share with your students to improve the quality of their learning? Grab it here

Let’s ditch the boring teaching techniques we’ve used for years and engage our students, one new strategy at a time!

Gretchen Ditch-the-Boring Wegner