In my business as an academic coach, I see students and educators making so many of the same mistakes. One of those mistakes is wishing they’d started sooner on an important project or goal. I’m sure that’s never happened to you, right? 😉
Today’s video is about an educator who wishes she’d started earlier…. Started earlier on what, you ask? Watch today’s four-minute and 46-second video to find out!
Can you relate to this educator’s situation? What project or goal do you wish you’d started on sooner?
Remember, it’s not too late! Take a look at last week’s video about Backwards Planning and figure out what you need to do to get where you want to go!
And, if you’re an educator considering starting an academic coaching biz, here are some resources!
First, sign up for my free mini-ecourse to help you figure out whether academic coaching is a good fit for you.
Second, here’s a document that goes into much greater detail about my Rock Your Coaching and Rock Your Biz programs for educators.
And finally, whether you’re an educator, student, or parent, sign up here to come to my next Live office hours on Zoom and ask me your question about coaching, teaching, or studying!
It’s only too late if you don’t start now…

HI Gretchen,
I have been considering starting a part time practice…can we schedule a time to talk to discuss it? Happy to walk around Lake Merritt if you have the time, one day after work as an option. I read through the different offerings and need some clarification.
Thank you!