Are you like me in that sometimes you make things harder than they need to be?

I do it more often than I’d like, and I’m noticing that my clients and students do it, too.

So I made a video with some real talk about this thing we all do to help remind you–and myself!–that we might be able to design our lives differently.

Wanna’ hear my most recent story of making things harder than they needed to be and get my suggestion for how you and I can stop torturing ourselves this way? Then check out today’s six-minute and 45-second video.

Watch it here:

How can you start noticing when you’re making things harder than they need to be? 

What’s on your list of things that you make harder than they need to be? Do you think finishing the statement “I do my best work when…” about each of those things might help make things simpler AND more pleasant?

If you’d like to talk through the answers to those questions with me live, or you have another question you’d like to ask, please sign up for my next free office hours session where I show up live on Zoom and answer whatever questions you have about studying, teaching, or building an academic coaching business. You can sign up here to get the Zoom link. Submit your question in advance (or just come hang out and listen) and I’ll send you a replay with your answer in case you aren’t able to show up live to the meeting.

I’d love to hear what happens for you as you apply this strategy. Send me a message and let me know!

Let’s choose the easier road together, shall we?

With love,

P.S. One of the ways you might be able to make things easier is if you get your question answered live! My next office hours session is February 8–sign up now