We’re nearing (or at!) the end of the fall semester, and often that means projects are due, papers are due, and there are all those tests to study for. All of that can be extra taxing on our brains which are already dealing with a lot in this unusual year.
One of my clients proved this point when she completely blanked out as she started writing an assignment today. Has this ever happened to you? I’ll bet it has!
What if I told you that creating a map could help you figure out what to write in those moments when your mind goes blank?
Watch this three minute and 20-second video to find out just what the heck I’m talking about!
Check it out:
So what do you think? Might this trick take some of the stress off YOUR overworked working memory?
If you try this, I’d love to hear how it goes! Or, maybe you have another strategy that works for you? Hit reply and tell me about it!
Keep those thoughts flowing!

P.S. If you’d like to know more about working memory, you might want to check out my course, The Art of Inspiring Students to Study Strategically (especially for educators) or the Anti-Boring Approach to Powerful Studying (especially for students and parents)
P.P.S. Shhhhhh!! Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve extended the CyberMonday savings on my courses for educators through the end of this week. Here’s more info if you missed it.