Pop quiz! Do you remember last year’s video about what everyone should do on the first day of class t? I’ll give you a hint: it had something to do with phone numbers.
Well, check out this video update about how to take this tip to the next level:
If you like this trick, but sense you need more help learning how to study faster and more effectively, then check this out: In under 6 hours, you can learn everything I teach my clients about how to transform their bad study habits and rock their grades. Let me know if you need any support getting started!
I have been sitting side by side with my daughter this week reading while she does her work without saying much of anything. So not a study group, per se, but it has really helped her get her work done, Gretchen. Great tip!
That takes quite a commitment, Jane, to sit with your daughter while she works. But it makes a BIG DIFFERENCE, doesn’t it? I hope you get some of your own work done, too. 🙂