Don’t you love it when someone confesses they don’t know something? Does it help you feel freer to not know things, too?
In this video, I confess that when I first started my coaching biz, there was a big term I knew little about. Watch today’s video to find out what that big term was…how I and one of my amazing Anti-boring Licensed Coaches can help you know more about it now…and why it matters to YOU! Make sure you stick around until the end where I invite you to a cool, new event I’m cooking up.
Watch the five-minute and nine-second video here:
How much do you know about that term I was unfamiliar with? Did any of those eight skills Crista outlined that fall under its umbrella jump out at you as ones you definitely want to know more about?
If so, I hope you’ll join me on September 22 to chat! I can’t wait to see what questions you have and get you moving in a great direction for the new school year. If you’d like to attend, send me an email at and let me know…and you’ll be first on the RSVP list!
Looking forward to talking with you IRL!

P.S. Want even more goodness? Here’s one more amazing resource you won’t want to miss! I’m super excited to be presenting at the Study Smart Symposium on September 24th. It’s online and FREE! Join me and seven other amazing speakers as we give tips, tools, and techniques to Study Smart. Get your FREE ticket here!