Happy Spring! At this point in the school year, you may have noticed a dip in your energy level – at the same time, you see an increase in your school workload. Ouch, right?
At times like this, it pays to have some strategies in place for managing your workload and your learning.
Watch today’s four-minute and six-second video to see the truth, highly advanced student skill one of my clients exhibited this week…and see whether you’ve mastered it, too!
Watch it here:
Pretty impressive, right?
I know when you’re learning to study (rather than do homework) and breaking big projects into smaller ones to manage your workload (rather than waiting for someone else to tell you what to do or how to do it), it can feel like you’re doing extra work. But as my client is beginning to demonstrate, you will start to see that that “extra work” isn’t extra because it’s making it easier for you to learn, easier to tackle big projects, and easier to assess your knowledge.
Where are you with this student skill? How might you develop it further so you can make learning more accessible? Hit reply and let me know your ideas or if you have any questions about how to make this work for you!
Keep up the great work, and remember to take some time to recharge your batteries – another important student skill!