Happy New Year!
I hope you enjoyed the holidays and are looking forward to the days ahead. I plan to keep us all interested and learn the new things we need to make this new year fun and rewarding for both students and teachers, regardless of what’s going on around us.
This is why I want to talk to you today about creating a partnership between students and teachers where both parties are working equally hard to make sure students are learning effectively.
Sounds like a no-brainer, right? Of course, teachers and students should be working together to make this happen!
But I would argue that sometimes the balance gets thrown off, and one side ends up working way harder than the other! So, which side is more likely to have to do the bigger part of the work in today’s learning environment…students or teachers?
I’ll bet you think it’s you, whether you’re a student or a teacher 😉
Watch this five minute and 19 second video to learn who I think it is…and hear what I think can make it better for everyone.
Find out here:
So, whaddya’ think? Did I get that right or am I way off base?
Hit reply and let me know! And, while you’re at it, let me know what you think you might do to help balance the equation and make sure you’re pulling your load while also getting what you need from your teacher or student partner!
Wishing you a balanced, two-way learning new year!

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So good to hear from you Gretchen! Yes, I agree with your premise. Older teachers have tended to be lecture based; teachers newer to the field use more activity-based learning. Few seem to be versed in brain-based learning or grow-mindset principles. The how-to’s of studying based on what the brain needs to retain information are techniques and principles I try to pass on to those at-risk students in my Guided Study Hall. The Art of Inspiring Students is awesome!