Are you in a school situation this year that is less than ideal?
So many of us are in that boat, thanks to COVID and distance and/or hybrid learning.
This summer I learned an interesting lesson about how to turn a sucky situation around, and I thought it might apply to this school year as well!
More about that below. But first, if you haven’t heard, I’m speaking THIS WEEKEND at an incredible FREE conference for parents and educators. It’s about how to understand executive functions better so that we can all have a thriving school year.
Ok. Now let me tell you a story about turning a sucky situation around:
Back in June, I was super bummed out that my brother and 9 year old niece had to cancel a trip to visit me. These trips are especially important to me because I don’t have kids of my own, so my niece and nephew have a special place in my heart.
Instead of descending into despair, I asked myself, “What would turn this summer from sucky into the best summer ever?!”
And voila! This 5 step process was created for turning a sucky situation around.
Check out the video! And stay to the end for a tour of my brand new mini camper van (that’s a hint!).
What do you think? Is there a way that these 5 steps might work for you this school year? I’d love to hear. Feel free to hit “reply” and tell me!
P.S. Parents and educators: Please do check out The Executive Function Online Summit (TEFOS), and get shot of inspiration before the school year gets started.

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