Randy and Marcus just left my apartment. I love those two guys, and am so grateful to be collaborating with both of them on our quest to Change the World!!

As we work together, we are developing some theories of How To Collaborate in ways that are fun, purposeful, and effective. I don’t want to give away all our secrets just yet; however, I do feel inspired by our time together, and want to write some sort of celebration of our time together.

I don’t have time to write a full out blog entry, but here are a number of things I could talk about, if I had the time:

I could talk about…big warm hugs to start the work day.

I could talk about…Randy and Marcus helping themselves to the supplies in my kitchen, as if they live with me.

I could talk about…Marcus working quietly in the kitchen while Randy and I work in the living room. I love the sense of productivity that comes when groups of people are getting things done!

I could talk about…Randy sitting next to me looking over my shoulder in quiet support as I (finally) import all my my online banking transactions into Quickbook.

I could talk about…discovering that Google Docs now has simultaneous editing!!! I can be looking at my own screen, but see what Randy is typing as he types it. Woohoo!!!

I could talk about…using Google Docs to create an agenda that tracks the projects we’re collaborating on together.

I could talk about…discovering that our collaboration motto is “Adventure Together Forever…Yay!!!” What an inspiring phrase to be at the top of our work agenda!I could talk about…

I could talk about…having a shared language for productivity and collaboration based on books we’re reading, which right now include: Getting Things Done, The Five Love Languages, and The Best Year Yet.

I could talk about…realizing that I feel most loved when I receive physical touch (based on The Five Love Languages model), so it felt extra affirming when Randy leaned over and touched his head to my head as we gazed together at the computer screen.

I could talk about…the power of having the next meeting scheduled before we end the current meeting.

I could talk about…how satisifying it is to use the MuseCubes in the company of others. We took a break by rolling some new ones I’m testing. I loved Skipping Jerkily while saying Woohoo and Dancing.

I could talk about… how great it feels to thoroughly love, and be loved by, the people with whom I work.


P.S. The picture above was taken earlier this summer, when Marcus, Randy and I went on a road trip together. In the picture they happen to be wearing the exact shirts that they had on today! Marcus is the one reading; Randy is the one working on the fire.