Pop Quiz:

  • Do you value play, creativity, and connection?
  • Have you been curious about how to teach/coach online without sacrificing these values?
  • Do you know other creative people who are ready to dive into work with virtual clients?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, I’d like to invite you to join a grand experiment.

If you’re the type who doesn’t want to read a bunch of gobbledy gook, feel free to scroll down to the “You’re Invited” heading. But if you like stories — or just want to hear about my latest crazy ideas — keep on reading.

The Contradiction of Wanting More With Less

Desire: As an entrepreneur, I think a lot about how I can make more money with less. Less travel, less time, less work. Solution: Work more online!!

Desire: As a creative person, I think a lot about how I can have more. More connection. More movement. More laughter. More play. Solution: Spend less time online!!

Ack. What’s a gal to do with her conflicting needs?! More time online? Less time online?

Perhaps one answer is this: Infuse online environments with the connection, creativity and fun. And invite amazing people to play with me.

Is the Internet Really More Confining Than My Car?

For several years I’ve resisted the lure of online teaching and facilitation. I’ve been scared of technology, concerned about feeling isolated and confined, wary of dooming myself to too much sitting and not enough connecting.

But as I watch my current life — driving in my car to meet clients and flying on airplanes to teach workshops, I realize I’m already isolated, confined, and sitting a great deal of the day. Seems like it’s time for me to make some new choices! Might as well at least learn about how virtual teaching & coaching works.

The Madhatter’s Tea Party to the Rescue

Enter Meri Walker, Virtual Meeting Coach extraodinaire and convener of the Madhatter’s Tea Party. She’s created a fun and zany way to help me move through my fear of online teaching environments…and help me push the boundaries of what’s possible in virtual meeting spaces. Suddenly I’m dreaming of facilitating improv, coaching writers, and teaching teachers how to incorporate performance into their classrooms…all from my webcam.

For the last two weeks, I’ve joined five amazing fellow learners, and Meri is introducing us to free virtual meeting rooms. We’ve been playing with white boards, webcams, youtube videos, uploaded powerpoints, teleconference lines, and more.

You’re Invited

We’re each putting together a virtual mini-class… and that’s where YOU come in. Starting next week we’ll be teaching our virtual mini-classes, and you’re invited. Wanna come?!

Mondays April 19 to May 24 ~ 3:30-4:30pm PST ~ $89
Find out more info, or enroll

Why might you want to join us? You’ll receive:

  • exposure to several online meeting formats
  • the experience how 6 creative women are leading creative, embodied processes online
  • Q&A with the Madhatters, to answer your questions about virtual meeting facilitation
  • Q&A with Meri Walker, to answer your questions about virtual meeting technology
  • and more!

The first party is next week, April 19. If you’re interested, you’ll want to enroll ASAP. If you’re not interested, thanks for reading this far, and stay tuned to the blog to hear how the experiment goes.

If you have any questions, just comment and I’ll get back to you.