by Gretchen | Nov 30, 2011 | MuseCubes, Random Stuff
Sitting might cause cancer?! It sounds extreme, doesn’t it? That’s the announcement in a growing body of research. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research: As many as 49,000 cases of breast cancer and 43,000 cases of colon cancer occurring...
by Gretchen | Oct 10, 2011 | Creativity & Edges, InterPlay, Random Stuff
Do you remember the first time you realized that everything is connected to everything else? For me, it was first semester of freshman year at Macalester College. I was shocked to discover that each of my classes, disparate as they were (Theatre With a Global...
by Gretchen | Sep 6, 2011 | Random Stuff
As an academic coach, I work with a lot of fidgety teens with ADD and ADHD. Every fall I buy some new toys to add to my collection. This year I ordered fromĀ Fat Brain Toys. We’ll see whether my coaching clients enjoy the Acrobots, pictured left . I also ordered...
by Gretchen | Sep 3, 2011 | Entrepreneurship, Random Stuff
I need to start reconciling my finances every Friday, but it’s not my favorite task. Perhaps a playlist of money-related songs will help inspire me each week? (I recommend that my academic coaching clients create playlists for uninspiring tasks, but I’ve...
by Gretchen | Nov 12, 2010 | Creativity & Edges, InterPlay, Random Stuff
OK, if you’re one of my teen coaching clients, don’t read this. My image as Perfect Adult With No Bad Habits will be forever destroyed. I just frittered away 2 hours on the computer designing a t-shirt on Cafe Press while IM’ing with a friend on...
by Gretchen | Sep 11, 2010 | Entrepreneurship, Random Stuff
Recently, I’ve noticed that I’m jealous of the students I coach. I haven’t done any formal learning in a long time, and frankly I miss it. As an entrepreneur I learn new skills constantly, but I usually have to teach them to myself. How refreshing to...