Would you like to work with an awesome academic coach?
You are in LUCK. In our brand new Anti-Boring Learning Lab, Gretchen trains and certifies the most talented, smart, caring, and … ahem! … “anti-boring” coaches in the world.
Most of them have room for new clients. Check out the complete list and choose your coach NOW.
But wait. What is academic coaching?
Are you a student or parent who is struggling with school in some way? Maybe you need help with:
- Time Management & Organization
- Study Skills & Test-Taking
- Writing & Research
- Self-Advocacy
- Independent Problem Solving
- Planning & Taking Action
- Succeeding at School Without Sacrificing Fun
- Anxiety
- Learning Disabilities and Executive Function Challenges
- or Other School and Life-Related Challenges
In Academic Coaching, you cover the effective, passionate, self-sufficient learner you already are.
Coaching is great for students in middle, high school, and especially college.
What’s the difference between academic coaching and tutoring?
Tutoring is about mastering a specific content; academic coaching is about honing the learning process. Whereas a tutor explains a subject in more detail, an academic coach investigates what is causing the learning interruption. Usually tutoring focuses on one subject area whereas academic coaching looks for learning and executive function challenges across all classes. The coach helps the student identy the areas in which they would like to grow and then teaches new skills and perseveres until the student has integrated both the new habits and the ability to problem-solve independently the next time a learning challenge presents itself.
How do we get started with coaching?
Step One: Contact one of these academic coaches.
Step Two: Schedule an hour-long consultation. The goals for this meeting will be a) to see if you and your coach are a good fit, b) to see the student in his/her “natural habitat” at home (usually these meetings take place virtually), and c) to set a clear focus for our work together, should you and the coach choose to move forward.
Step Three: Schedule a coaching package during which your coach will learn the nitty gritty about the student’s strengths and challenges, and together you will practice new skills & habits.
What happens during a typical coaching session?
Although every session is shaped by the unique relationship between coach and client, most sessions include:
- THE CHECK-IN. How are you doing (as a person and a student)?
- THE HABITS AND GRADES GRAPH. How well are you following through on your habits this week? How are your new habits affecting your grades? We will document growth in a visually compelling graph.
- SKILL BUILDING. What skills need practice so that you can rock the next week? Let’s get organized and
- ACTION ITEMS. What action items will you commit to during the next week? What kinds of reminders do you need? Let’s set you up for success before the session ends.
Although most Anti-Boring Certified coaches follow a similar flow, please make sure to ask the coach you are interviewing what they do.
How many sessions does a student need?
This differs, of course, from student to student. Some clients only need a booster set of 6-8 sessions centered around a specific goal. The majority of student clients, however, see their coach weekly for the duration of the semester, school year, and beyond. It’s good to think in “three’s”: at least 3 sessions to begin building a relationship with the coach, at least 3 months to start seeing the first habit changes, and at least 3 semesters to become self-sufficient. Some students even need three years to learn how to work effectively with their learning disabilities and executive function challenges.
How do virtual sessions work, and are they as effective as in-person sessions?
I know it seems counter-intuitive, but my experience proves that virtual sessions are often as good, or better, than in-person coaching. Thanks to Google Docs, screen sharing, video chatting, online drawing tools, and more, virtual clients stay busy throughout the session. Not to mention the fact that they don’t lose momentum driving home from my office anymore. Instead, they can work with their coach to set up their space for an excellent work session — and transition straight from coaching to finishing their homework.
Do your trained coaches also work with adult learners?
Yes! Adults who are going back to school are a favorite client of many of us. They usually have a short-term need, and we can solve their problem within 5 sessions. Please contact one of these trained Anti-Boring Certified Coaches to find out more.