The Making of the MuseCubesMuseCubes are popping up everywhere! I’m especially grateful to a group of creative women bloggers who have spread the word this month.

As Jenn, Jamie, Leah and Cynthia share their impressions of the MuseCubes,  I’m learning oodles about the power of whimsy to embolden people’s lives.

Thank you, ladies, for your kind words, generous spirit, and astute observations. Read on:

MuseCubes Stir Up Creativity Thinking

One way to stir creative thinking is to bring together concepts or ideas and see what happens when they hang out. Gretchen Wegner has done that in a delicious and beautiful way with MuseCubes. … Whenever you need to shake things up a bit, just toss and play. Every roll gets your body involved and shifts your energy. Here’s what happened when I rolled Sigh & Dance: (Watch the short video of Jamie’s Sigh Dance here).

~ Jamie Ridler, Creative Self Development Coach

MuseCubes Cure Writer’s Block

Often when I have writer’s block, it’s because I’m stuck in my head. I have all that inner critic stuff going on, and it’s really not helpful. … My friend and blogger Gretchen Wegner created a tool called the MuseCubes. You roll them, do what they say, and that really helps get you into your body and into the flow. (Watch the entire interview on Blogher).

~ Jennifer Lee, Artizen Coaching

MuseCubes Ease You From Constriction to Spaciousness

The way we are in our bodies moves us from constriction to openness and spaciousness.  If I want to have an open mind, it is helpful to start from a place of movement.  It’s the fastest way to do it. … This is one of the reasons I love Gretchen’s MuseCubes. I find that I have to roll the dice three times to get myself over the hump of being self conscious about it. That self consciousness is a constricted, narrow, self evaluating (and other evaluating) way of being. (Listen to the whole interview with Leah Piken Kolidas here).

~ Cynthia Winton Henry, co-founder of InterPlay

Free Study Tips Every Wednesday Morning

Students, are you annoyed by the way your parents talk to you sometimes (or, who are we kidding, much of the time)?

I recently had a 7th-grade client make some specific requests for how he'd like his mom to talk to him about his homework. Listen in to hear all the details about what he requests.

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