Do you ever find it hard to speak up for your own needs with a teacher, coach, or parent?

If so, you aren’t alone! Self-advocacy is one of the more challenging skills a student can learn, and often it’s one that a student learns late in their academic career.

Those are some of the reasons I am so proud of one of my clients! She has had an assignment hanging over her head for a while that will always be more difficult for her than the teacher intends.

This week, she and I took a perfect look at that assignment, figured out why she hasn’t done it, and determined what we think the teacher’s purpose was in assigning it. Then she wrote a fantastic email to her teacher asking what she needs to fulfill the assignment’s spirit and get it done.

Wanna’ know what she wrote? Watch this six-minute video to learn more about her situation and see exactly what she said!

Check it out:

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this! Did she say the right things? Do you think the email will get her the outcome she’s looking for?

Have you tried advocating for yourself? What were the results? What would help you do this better? Or, if you haven’t hadn’t the courage to ask for what you need, what do you think is holding you back?

Hit reply and let me know! I’d love to hear from you.

Wishing you a great week!