Gretchen Wegner, Megan Dorsey, The College Prep Podcast, Tune up, Tune-up, School, College, Education, Thanksgiving Break, It’s time for a mid-semester tune-up!

Take a couple hours this Thanksgiving Break to organize yourself, clean up any broken systems, and assess your study skills.

Gretchen will teach you how, including:

  • How to tune up your organization systems, including what to file and what to throw away
  • Clean up your study space
  • Make sure you have enough supplies at home to get you through the rest of the semester and/or year
  • Assess several academic skills to make sure you’re learning in effective and efficient ways including your ability to: (1) make effective study plans, (2) Hone your notes well, (3) Create quizzable study tools, and (4) re-teach yourself information that you are having trouble remembering.

If you need more support with any of this, feel free to check out Gretchen’s online course The Anti-Boring Approach to Powerful Studying, which you have lifetime access to.

Click here to tune in as Gretchen and Megan discuss the keys to keeping yourself on track.